DUI Defense Lawyer
A DUI conviction can haunt you forever. Don’t let a single mistake disrupt the rest of your life.
If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Houston, you’re probably scared about how it will affect your future. Being charged with a criminal offense and dealing with the court system can be scary.
Having the right attorney on your team can make all the difference. Alli Cannon of Cannon Law is an experienced Houston DUI defense attorney. With a personalized approach and extensive expertise in Houston DUI defense cases, Cannon Law is the firm you need on your side when you go to court.
Every Houston DUI case is unique. Cannon Law’s personalized approach will ensure you have the best possible defense throughout the entire process.
If you have decided to contest your Houston DUI charge, finding the right attorney should be your first step.
Cannon Law understands that a personalized approach is the only way to build a great DUI defense. While the specifics of your case, like test results, video evidence, and related factors are all important, Cannon Law focuses on you, as an individual.
When you schedule a consultation with Cannon Law, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with your attorney, ask any questions you might have, and fully explain your situation. Your attorney will then discuss options and strategies for moving forward and address any concerns you have. If you decide to proceed, Cannon Law will begin aggressively working on your Houston DUI defense.
Cannon Law focuses exclusively on defending clients accused of drug and alcohol-related crimes. Depending on the charges against you, time can be a critical factor in saving your license and establishing your defense. Cannon Law is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call anytime to schedule a consultation on your DUI case.
Texas is a zero-tolerance state, which can make it relatively easy for the prosecution to gain a conviction if you don’t have the right Houston DUI defense attorney on your side.
While DUI and DWI offenses both involve driving with alcohol in your system, there are some important differences to understand.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Driver is under the legal drinking age of 21 and has any detectable amount of alcohol in his or her system while operating a motor vehicle
- Blood or breath alcohol concentration (BAC) can be below .08
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
- Driver is driving while legally intoxicated with a .08 blood alcohol level, or the driver lost the normal use of their mental or physical faculties due to the introduction of drugs or alcohol
- Age is not a factor
Only drivers under the legal drinking age of 21 can be charged with a DUI, which has less severe penalties than a DWI, especially for a first offense. However, a driver under the age of 21 can be charged with a DWI if they are driving with a BAC higher than .08, or the officer believed the driver lost the normal use of their mental or physical faculties due to the introduction of drugs or alcohol.
Texas is a zero-tolerance state, which means that prosecutors only need to demonstrate that a person under the age of 21 was driving with any measurable amount of alcohol in their system. The prosecution doesn’t have to prove the driver was impaired in any way while operating the vehicle to obtain a conviction.
With such a low burden of proof for the prosecution, it’s often easy to obtain a conviction in Houston DUI cases. An experienced Houston DUI defense attorney from Cannon Law can provide an aggressive defense for your case that will give you the best possible chance for a positive outcome.
Cannon Law handles both DWI and DUI cases throughout Houston. Call today to schedule your initial consultation.
The consequences of being found guilty in your Houston DUI court case can be severe and long-lasting.
For your first DUI offense, which is considered a Class C misdemeanor, you can face the following potential penalties:
- License suspension for 60 days
- Fine up to $500
- Up to 40 hours of community service
- Participation in an alcohol-awareness class
A second Houston DUI charge is also a Class C misdemeanor, though the penalties can be more severe, including:
- License suspension for 120 days
- Fine up to $500
- Mandatory community service of 40 hours to 60 hours
- Required participation in an alcohol-awareness class
After a second DUI charge, the penalties become more severe and can include jail time.
In addition to the legal repercussions, a Houston DUI conviction has the potential to affect your entire future. A guilty plea to any crime, even if it is a misdemeanor, can follow you for the rest of your life. It can show up on all future background checks and could affect your college acceptance or admittance, scholarships, financial aid, insurance rates, job offers and more.
Don’t let a Houston DUI charge overshadow your entire future. Contact Cannon Law for your initial consultation today.
No law firm can guarantee you a favorable outcome; however, hiring Houston DWI defense lawyer Alli Cannon ensures you will have an honest, aggressive, and zealous DWI lawyer fighting for your rights and your future in court.
Being arrested was extremely stressful. It is important to have an attorney who will communicate with you every step of the way. Alli is dedicated, communicative, and always answers your calls and emails right away. Having Cannon Law on your side is the smartest decision you can make for your DWI case.
- Ron K.